Sunday, February 16, 2020

Having High Expectations for Students and Higher Expectations for Ourselves

Excellence in Education: Having High Expectations for Students and Higher Expectations for Ourselves 
Seven months ago, I had lofty expectations for myself and my students. Like I do every year, I pledged to hold my students--all of them--accountable. Included in my pledge this year: “I will not let any student’s past determine their present; when challenged, I will only work harder to ensure their success."

The other day, however, I caught myself slacking. My first day optimism waned and my mid-year frustrations impacted my attitude. I’m ashamed to say that I allowed student problems to impact my attitude, and my effort. I caught one of my frequent fliers skipping class. Rather than addressing the student’s misbehavior, I let my expectations slide, and only encouraged the student to go to class. I didn't even follow-up to see if he had made it to class.

On my drive home--it was a rare day where I hadn't biked--I reflected on the day and was curious to see if the student had made it to his class. As I pulled my car into my parking spot, I logged into PowerSchool. The student hadn't made it to his next class. I emailed his 2nd block teacher to see if he had made it the class after I had talked to him and awaited the reply. An hour or two later the email came, "No, he didn't."

I had failed and I recognized I hadn't met my own expectations. Yes, it was easier for me and for the student to let it slide, but as soon as I allow that, the bar cannot be raised. The lower expectations become the new norm. 

This is a tough stretch. I challenged myself and now I challenge you: rather than let the school’s problems--whatever they may be--impact your attitude, flip it so that your attitude shapes your actions.

Tasks, Important Information, Upcoming Events

Friday: Clubs and A-Day

Intent to return. Intent 2020.  Please complete by 2/21/20.

Talent Show: Friday @ 7
Field Trips


February 19: Alexa Dostart
February 20: Laura Massey
February 21: Teresa Goodin

Useful Information
Bell Schedules 

  • This includes links to the Friday calendars and the year-end calendar
Seeking volunteers? ACPS is attempting to expand volunteer outreach and help teachers find volunteers. Here’s a form that takes a minute to complete.
Want something included on the Monticello Outlook Calendar, the Monticello website, in the PowerSchool Daily Bulletin, schoolwide Schoology accounts, or the student newsletter (viewed by parents, students and staff)? Please use this link 
Worth Your Time

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