Sunday, March 19, 2017

Flippity, Google Add-Ons and More Edtech

Excellence in Education: Flippity and its companion Free Add-On (unsure of what an add-on is) turn Google Sheets (spreadsheets) into flashcards, Jeopardy-like games, crosswords and other activities. Additionally, students can earn badges and certificates and you can create a random student name generator. Some neat Flippity tools.

To use the Add-On:
  1. After adding the Add-On to your Google Sheet, open a blank Sheet.
  2. Go to add-ons > Flippity > Choose a Template
  3. Choose a template by scrolling through
  4. Copy the displayed link
  5. Open new tab and paste link into the tab
  6. Enter data into the spreadsheet or copy data from another spreadsheet into Sheet
  7. Play the game
  8. Use the share button at the bottom to add to Google Classroom, QR Reader Code, or a link.

A video explaining the above:
Here’s a link to a flashcard set I created for Thomas Jefferson. In addition to flashcards, it also creates a matching game, a printable study guide,  and a quiz-like version and can easily be exported into other Flippity games like Bingo, Hangman and Crossword. Additionally, it will read the words to the student.

To create flashcards:
Flippity allows you to quickly create flashcards using Google Sheets. These flashcards can include text, YouTube videos and pictures from the web. Directions can be found here.

To create a Jeopardy-like game.
  1. Sign-in to flippity and use this template or follow the add-on instructions above.
  2. Edit the questions, answers and categories. Do NOT edit anything with a blue background, rows or columns.
  3. Go to File > Publish to Web > Click Publish
  4. Click Get the Link Here (bottom of page)
  5. Have fun!

Random name picker:
Again, using the template provided by Flippity, enter the names of your students. Then, publish it to the web (your Google account) and copy the Google Sheet URL. Paste the URL into the Flippity Name Picker and voila, you’re ready to randomly generate student names. Here’s the link to Flippity’s more detailed directions.

What’s an Add-On?
A Google Add-On works within the Google Drive platform (not Slides) and gives you additional features that were not available without them. They’re very similar to extensions that you use for Chrome. Some make managing workflow easier, others add usability, and some add pizzaz.

Add-Ons exist for Forms, Docs, Sheets, etc. and can be easily added by
Screenshot 2017-03-18 13.12.17.png

Some useful Add-Ons:
Some of the more popular Sheets Add-Ons: Flubaroo (quiz grader and more), Doctopus (mass copy, share, monitor, etc.), AutoCrat (document merger, certificate maker).

Google Docs: SAS Writing Reviser or Grammarly (grammar and writing help), Kaizena (provide students with feedback in different ways), OpenClipArt, LucidChart (diagrams, graphic organizers).

For World Language teachers  Easy Accents and For Math Teachers G-math make accents and math equations, respectively, easy to add and use!

Excellence in Education: Zero Noise Classroom (More EdTech)
Zero Noise classroom is a Chrome App (download here) that combines a noise meter and a class timer. When you start the activity, you can set the timer and set a goal for classroom volume. When time is up, it chimes and it tells you and your class how much time was spent above the preset volume.

In this example, 16% of the time spent by the class (actually me messing with the volume on the TV) was spent above the preset acceptable volume. Students can see the timer and the noise level as it countdowns with red indicating noise above the acceptable levels. With 10 seconds left, it starts a countdown.

Useful Links:

Portfolio Assistance If you have a student who needs assistance setting up his/her portfolio, click here

Technology / Website Permission Request Form Please use this form to request use of a website that requires student log-in if the site is not already on the approved list. DART approved list

Calendar and Memo Items
Friday is a B-day and a club day

Year-end calendar is here.

Rescheduled: March 20: Communication Matters: Speaking with Students in School with Bob Garrity. Join us for this workshop which will include
  1. Learning about Carol Dweck’s Mindset Research
  2. Exploring and learning about ways to clearly speak with students about their behavior
  3. Practicing I-statements for successes and concerns  
Workshops will be offered tomorrow throughout the day from at 9:15-10:00, 11:15-12:00, 1:15-2:00 and 2:45-3:30. You’re encouraged to sign-up in advance.

March 21 & 22: All 10th graders will take Writing SOL tests No Mustang Morning

March 28: Middle School/Rising 9th Grader Visit; No Mustang Morning. Students will complete the School Safety Survey in extended 1st block.

March 30: End 3rd Quarter

April 21: Spring Pep Rally

Project-Based Learning: The What, Why, and How! -April 3
Virginia Association for the Gifted is excited to offer an introduction to Project-Based Learning: The What, Why, and How at the Lynchburg City Schools' Information Technology Center.  Participants will explore delivery models by engaging in the creative process of developing their own project step by step with collaborative support from instructors and peers. All participants will receive resources for building future units along with a collection of previously developed ideas. Deadline for registration is March 29 and the event is April 3.

Shout Out
Each year, Cinderella’s Closet gets better and better! This year’s Cinderella’s Closet was our best yet thanks to the hard work of our faculty PTSO Rep Rosanna Lantz and parent/PTSO president Michelle Proffitt.

Worth Your Time

Recess for High School Students Interesting article as it pertains to Mustang Morning and some things we do

43 Things We Need to Stop Doing in Schools Tony is a great follow on twitter and his blog is a must read even though he’s an elementary school guy.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Assisting ADHD Adolescents on Assignments and Assessments

Excellence in Education: Assisting  ADHD Adolescents on Assignments and Assessments  
This is the 3rd part of an ADHD Series: Other Strategies to Support Students with ADHD. For the first part on helping ADHD students socially, click here and for the second part on ensuring their academic success click here.

Helping ADHD Students on Assignments and Assessments:
  1. Check with the student to ensure they understand the directions. Directions should be clear and concise.
  2. More so than other students, students with ADHD benefit from instant feedback. The use of assignments or assessments online with instant feedback is extremely beneficial.
  3. Avoid clutter on handouts, webpages, and assessments. Additionally, ADHD students will often fret more than their peers if given a long test or a page with many questions on it.  This also pertains to sections where students need to respond, so please provide ample space for student answers. Don’t tell anyone but Pearson’s SOL TestNav gets this one right with 50-70 questions on the SOL and only seeing one question at a time.
  4. Avoid having students transfer work/answers from one place to another place.
  5. Teach and encourage active test taking strategies like highlighting key words, crossing out false answers, etc.
  6. As mentioned earlier, ADHD students will often take longer to complete their work; if a student with ADHD notices classmates turning in their work, he/she will likely feel pressured to rush through the assignment or assessment. Require students to stay in their seats when finished and begin working on the next task. Don’t allow them free time.
  7. Obviously, many students with ADHD have 504s or IEPs allowing for alternative settings, but many ADHD students do not have these accommodations. Allow any student to make use of alternative settings for work.
  8. In small or individual setting, the ADHD student may feel more comfortable whispering directions or quietly reading the material to him/herself. This helps him/her focus and many students benefit from hearing the information as well.
  9. Remove distractions from the work environment.

Classroom Management Strategies
  1. Use wait time 1 and wait time 2 when asking and answering questions. This extra time prevents impulsive answers and also provides time to think.
  2. Use random calling on student techniques (cold call, popsicle sticks, random name generators, dice, etc.) to force students to focus.

Students with ADHD often struggle with work completion. Their disability may cause disorganization, distraction, poor focusing, and working memory deficits. As such, it may take them significantly longer to complete an assignment and once completed, the assignment may well get lost. Additionally, sustaining attention on one task for an extended period of time, most likely will be very difficult for student

Useful Links:

Portfolio Assistance If you have a student who needs assistance setting up his/her portfolio, click here

Technology / Website Permission Request Form Please use this form to request use of a website that requires student log-in if the site is not already on the approved list. DART approved list

Calendar and Memo Items
Year-end calendar is here.

March 13: VPT testing

March 14: Communication Matters: Speaking with Students in School with Bob Garrity. Join us for this workshop which will include
  1. Learning about Carol Dweck’s Mindset Research
  2. Exploring and learning about ways to clearly speak with students about their behavior
  3. Practicing I-statements for successes and concerns  
Workshops will be offered on March 14th throughout the day from at 9:15-10:00, 11:15-12:00, 1:15-2:00 and 2:45-3:30. You’re encouraged to sign-up in advance.

March 16: Faculty Meeting and District Chorus Trip

March 17: Band’s Jazz and Casino Night

March 21 & 22: All 10th graders will take Writing SOL tests No Mustang Morning

March 28: Middle School/Rising 9th Grader Visit; No Mustang Morning

March 30: End 3rd Quarter

April 21: Spring Pep Rally

Project-Based Learning: The What, Why, and How! -April 3
Virginia Association for the Gifted is excited to offer an introduction to Project-Based Learning: The What, Why, and How at the Lynchburg City Schools' Information Technology Center.  Participants will explore delivery models by engaging in the creative process of developing their own project step by step with collaborative support from instructors and peers. All participants will receive resources for building future units along with a collection of previously developed ideas. Deadline for registration is March 29 and the event is April 3.

March 16: Dean Eliason

Worth Your Time