Sunday, January 6, 2019

Flight Checklist

Excellence in Education: Flight Checklist
I heard this analogy the other day and wanted to share with everyone.
Knowing that feedback is powerful when it helps students understand what they don’t know, what they do know and what’s next, the Flight Checklist analogy/strategy focuses on understanding learning targets, peer assessment and correction.
How it works:
  1. The teacher provides the class with the objectives and the learning targets. This is the pre-flight checklist. At this point, you may want to have students participate in the checklist or rubric creation.
  2. Students complete the assignment and check it against the pre-flight checklist.
  3. Working with a partner (co-pilot), the student gives his/her completed work to the partner who then checks the assignment against the checklist.
  4. Only after the partner/co-pilot signs off on the assignment can the student turn in his/her work.
  1. The checklist might focus on areas that are more easily identifiable for students, freeing up the teacher to provide more detailed feedback. For example, you might have students review a lab report to ensure all the parts are completed, the diagrams are correctly drawn, labeled, etc. The teacher is then freed to focus on the results.
  2. As students become more comfortable and skilled with providing feedback to each other, you can have students identify the weakest area for the student to work on. Students could then either work on this individually or using flexible groups (For example: all students who struggled with the conclusion, can work together. Alternatively you could have two opportunities: All students identify 1 strength and 1 weakness. For the first rotation ½ the students go to their strength and ½ go to their weaknesses but they work together in groups (students who excelled and struggled with conclusions work together).
What are some other strategies you use to provide feedback, especially student-student feedback?
Microcredentialing for CRT
After hearing from Ashae and Lynn, several teachers expressed an interest in learning more about credentialing in CRT. Here’s a link . You can also email Lars at
Maeve Connaughton, a junior, is starting a student-run newsletter for our community, including families, students, etc. The address is
What do we want to include? Maeve is interested in journalism and is thrilled about this opportunity. We also want to use this to celebrate and brand all the great things that are going on in our school, and it will also be used for information dissemination. Some examples: field trips, class activities, forms/deadlines, etc.
You can also have your own students submit something to me for inclusion (please vet before submitting).  Use this for inclusion in the newsletter, the daily bulletin, the Monticello calendar, or our webpage.
Important Information: Weighted Grades
See email from Rick dated 12/19.
Please join the county conversation from 4-5
  • Wednesday, January 9, in the WAHS Media Center;
  • Thursday, January 10, in the MoHS Forum; or
  • Tuesday, January 15, in the AHS Media Center.

Important Information: Mustang Morning Reset
On Monday during 1A, all students should be signed-up for Mustang Morning. 1A teachers please make sure that all students are signed up.

Important Information: Exams
Please make sure to use the date 1/20/19 for your exam grade regardless of when you give the assignment. Doing so will place it in the E2 category. Please see Corey with any questions
Important Dates
January 11: Club Day with club pictures
January 18: ½ day (see below for schedule) more information to come on the grading conversations. We will be sending all CATEC students to CATEC for the entire day.
January 21/22: No school for students/teacher work day on 22nd
January 23 @9: Grades due
Field Trips and SOLs
See Cindy’s email and Monticello calendar
January 9: Seniors/Government at UVA Law
January 30/31: Help Save the Next Girl Symposium (tentative)
February 15: Drama @NSU
January 10: Burton Inman
January 12: Julia Easton
Shout Outs
We’re really appreciative of the efforts of our PLCs and their facilitators. We truly believe we’ve moved our PLCs in a positive direction over the past couple of years and that through this process we are better meeting the needs of our students. Of course, there’s still work to do, but because of your commitment and time, we our confident in our abilities to improve our learning through social and human capital that comes with PLCs.

Useful Information
Bell Schedules :
We’ve got something new! Want something included on the Monticello Outlook Calendar, the Monticello website, in the PowerSchool Daily Bulletin, or the student newsletter (viewed by parents, students and staff)? Please use this link 
Worth Your Time
January 18 Bell Schedule
As a reminder, all bell schedules are viewable at . We are working on the LoveFest bell schedule.
½ Day Bell Schedule
Class Time
Lunch 1 11:25-11:55
Pippin, Reynolds, Rocco, Schafer, Bendall, Di Battista, Eddy, Eisenhauer, Fisher, Haney, Lipscomb, McClung, Parsons, Redd, Ritchie
Lunch 2 11:55-12:25
11:30-11:55 and
Ayres, Frazier, Hatchett, Huneycutt, Inman, Jennings, Kai, Keith, Stanek, Thomas, Trent, Wade, Waters, Wilkerson, Williams,
Lunch 3 12:25-12:50
Bradley, D. Brown, R. Brown, Clark, Colgan, Dudley, Easton, Garland, Lindemann, McDaniel, Michel, Parks, Price-Thomas, Rowanhill, Stott
On January 18, all CATEC students will be at CATEC ALL day. Return by 12:25 for lunch.
On March 28, all CATEC students will remain at Monticello ALL day.

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