Monday, April 11, 2016

Reverse Brainstorming

Welcome Back! Hope everyone had a great break!

Excellence in Education: Reverse Brainstorming
This idea comes from Sparking Student Creativity by Patti Drapeau.

Reverse brainstorming is a strategy to get students to problem solve from the opposite side. Students generate many ideas about the reverse of what they want. Then they reflect on their answers to generate a new way of thinking about the original problem. For example, reverse brainstorming ideas include the following:
  • Increase pollution instead of reducing it
  • Promote more wars instead of thinking about how we can minimize war
  • Increase consumption of water instead of thinking about how we can conserve
  • Intensify a situation in a fictional text so that it is worse for a character instead of solving a problem
  • Generate the worst ideas about a topic or situation instead of generating positive ideas

The idea is similar to finding non-examples. It alo reminds me of how I used to prepare for debates (yeah, I was  a debate-forensic geek in college) by knowing the other side inside out, I was better prepared for defending our side and attacking theirs.

Shout Out

Need to Knows
Grades and special education progress reports are due April 15 at noon.

Positive Referral Link:

Technology / Website Permission Request Form

Spring Calendar (Grades, SOL, Exams, Etc): Obviously, this is subject to change with weather, but it’s a start. Some significant schedule changes begin next week.

Don’t forget to email April Wilkerson to sign-up to help for prom!

Tonight’s #vachat on Twitter at 8 is on Homework. I’m not hosting but with Albemarle County Schools revamping our homework policy, it’s pertinent.

Calendar Items
April 15 Club during Mustang Morning

April 15 @ noon: Grades are due

Please read this important information to ensure that your grades are correctly calculated.
Regardless of when the mid-term exam is given, the date 4/2/2016 must be used. With this date, the exam grade will fall under the E3 Term in the gradebook.
If a teacher decides to give their exam early (March 24th or 25th), they need to understand that any assignments given after these exams, must have a date of 4/11/2016 or later, so that it falls in the Q4 Term.
If a teacher decides to give their exam March 31st or April 1st, they can use any date for Q3 assignments, prior to April 2nd (if they want it to count towards the 3rd Quarter Grade).
April 11: Gwen Reynolds, Shannon Deegan
April 12: Mike Parsons
April 16: Gina Habermeyer

Worth Your Time

A Venture Capitalist Searches for the Purpose of School, Here’s What He Found This is an article by Ted Dintersmith, of Most Likely to Succeed fame

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