Excellence in Education: Sharing Learning Targets/Objectives
Part 2 of Learning Targets
Writing the objective on the board and assuming students will pay attention to it, doesn’t work. Referring to it at the beginning of class and never revisiting it is only slightly better. As teachers we must help the students understand what the objective is, what it requires of them and why it’s important. After every part of the lesson, the teacher should return to the target, assess where the students are in relation to the objective (formative assessment). At the lesson’s conclusion, students should be assessed and allowed to reflect on the learning target.
Teachers can share learning targets in a variety of ways. A teacher can begin class and explicitly state what is going to be learned and how each portion of class will connect to the learning target. You can help students understand the learning target using the same means that you effectively teach: tell, model, demonstrate, share, question, creating/sharing rubrics, etc. Another strategy is to have the students translate the target into their own words. All these ways allow students to see, recognize and understand the learning target, thus allowing them to take on more responsibility for their own learning. Students who understand the learning target will be more engaged in activities that deepen their understanding. They will be more reflective and more able to monitor their own progress.
Need to Knows
Spring Calendar (Grades, SOL, Exams, Etc): http://go.shr.lc/1OwWVBB Obviously, this is subject to change with weather, but it’s a start. Some significant schedule changes begin next week.
Calendar Items
February 29: 4th block fire drill
March 1: No School
March 2: B-Day; Read Across America Day--Anyone doing anything special?
March 3: A-Day, Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 4: B-Day
March 1: Carlos Bezerra
Worth Your Time
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