Sunday, October 18, 2015


Idea for  Education: Plickers
Plickers is a great tech tool that is a little bit different from some other tools like Socrative, Formative, Kahoot! and others used to gather real-time data that can be used for formative assessment.

Plickers uses a teacher’s device and a series of QR codes that you print out for your students to create a student response system. After downloading and printing a series of cards, each student is assigned one card. Each card can be turned in any of four orientations (A-B-C-D).

When you have a question for students to answer, you simply ask each student to hold up his/her card in the correct orientation (just like using a whiteboard) and quickly scan the cards. A bar graph of the student responses is instantly created.

Some advantages to Plickers:
  • Because each student code is unique, students don’t know who got the answer right or wrong. This non-competitive aspect might be a nice/needed change-of-pace.
  • You can create a demo or saved class. Demo classes are quick and easy. A saved class means that you take the time to create a class and assign each student a card. The latter allow you to see how each student responded to the question.
  • Only 1 device (yours) is needed
  • Scanning is easy. Essentially, you just take your device from one side of the room to the other. You don’t need to scan each individual card.
  • It works great with Cooperative Learning Strategies such as Thinking Pairs, Numbered Heads Together, Showdown and more.
  • Great for formative assessments and pre-assessments
  • Provides you and your students with timely feedback enabling them to gauge their understanding
  • Can easily be used for “concept-testing” where students commit to an answer before learning, making the students more engaged and curious about the outcome (the lesson)

Need to Knows
Positive Referral Link :

SBIT, RTI, Special Education and 504 Presentation to be viewed :

Have you joined Monticello’s Faculty and Staff Remind Account? It’s easy to do so: Text 81010 with the message @mohsstaff and follow a couple of directions! It’s quick and easy!

If you haven’t donated $10 to our social committee, we’d love for you to make your donation to Ms. Hatchett.

Shout Outs
Thanks to everyone who made PSAT testing and CWRA testing go as smoothly as possible. We appreciate everyone’s flexibility! Particular thanks to Ms. Pryor, who organized the CWRA tests; Mr. Johnson, who organized the PSATs; and Mr. Jones who handled all the necessary accommodations.
Ms. Rocco’s efforts at organizing our tailgate and cookout led to a great night for all who attended.

Calendar Items
October 21: 1, 3 Midterms

October 22: Faculty Meeting (am and pm),2, 4 Midterms

October 23: End of Marking Period, make-up midterms

November 2: Grades and special education progress reports due

Connected Educator Month is underway:
Teachers can earn a minimum of 5 recert points if you document participation in a CEM event and/or connect your teaching to CEM Themes. If you’re “connecting” be sure to let Bert know!

On Monday’s #vachat (8et): Diversity in Our Schools

October 19: Jim Huneycutt
October 20: Terry Tomlin
October 22: Jeremy Dove and Paige Pippin
October 23: Josh Flaherty

Worth Your Time

Not “educational” but worth watching and maybe sharing with your students : This homeless man will change your perspective YouTube

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