Excellence in Education: Expanding on Quick Writes and Summarizing
In previous blogs the topics of quick writes and summarizations were shared. This scaffolded instructional strategy was shared with me.
Why it works:
- Writing and summarization require a deeper dive into the subject.
- Writing is an important skill.
- It can be used after a lecture, a reading, class presentations, etc.
- It’s formulaic. Yes, this can sometimes be tedious and boring. But, it provides a framework that many students will find helpful. For some students, the framework can be loosened or not used.
- It requires students to reflect on their own learning and builds metacogntion. It’s an expansion on a learning log.
- It can be used as an exit activity, and it’s great for formative assessment and providing simple feedback.
Sentence 1: General summary. “Today we learned...”
Sentence 2: More details. “Specifically...”
Sentence 3: Something understood well. “I really understood...”
Sentence 4: Something not understand well. “I am still confused about...”
Sentence 5: Real-life connection or connection to previously learned material. “This can be related to...”
Today we started to learn about slope-intercept form which makes it easier for us to figure out the y intercept and the slope intercept. As x changes so does y because they correspond. I liked and understood how by plotting the points on the graph, you can also check your answers since you only need two points to define a line and if the line isn’t straight, then you’ve done something wrong. I am still a little confused about how to determine M. Someone who works on commission could use this to help figure out their income.
Today we learned about the fall of the Roman Empire. There were many causes for the fall including military, political, social, racial, economic and religious reasons. I definitely understand the military reasons for the fall of the empire. But, I am unclear on the various social classes and am getting the reasons for the fall of the republic and the empire confused. Some of the problems for the fall of the Roman Empire are similar to reasons for falls of other civilizations and are problems that are faced by many countries today.
CRT Questions for January 2
Chapter 3
- Pick one of the 'Culturally Responsive Brain Rules' (pages 46-49). Describe how this rule plays out in your classroom. How could you shift your instruction to take advantage of this rule to deepen student learning and close equity gaps?
- Describe a time when you were involved in, or witness to, a [micro]aggressive incident, and you did not address the issue. How did it fit Hammond's definition of a [micro]aggression (47)? How did you feel during, and after, the incident?
Chapter 4
- Choose one of the following models for self-reflection from this chapter:
- Mapping Cultural Frames of Reference (56-58),
- Mindful Reflection Protocol (63-64), and
- Recognizing Common Triggers (65-66).
Apply it by reflecting on a specific aspect of your own practice, and come prepared to share how your thinking shifted as a result.
Maeve Connaughton, a junior, is starting a student-run newsletter for our community, including families, students, etc. The address is http://lists.k12albemarle.org/mhsstudentnewsletter/.
What do we want to include? Maeve is interested in journalism and is thrilled about this opportunity. We also want to use this to celebrate and brand all the great things that are going on in our school, and it will also be used for information dissemination. Some examples: field trips, class activities, forms/deadlines, etc.
You can also have your own students submit something to me for inclusion (please vet before submitting).
https://goo.gl/forms/bIjfJLKokWPcEHx33 Use this for inclusion in the newsletter, the daily bulletin, the Monticello calendar, or our webpage.
Family Engagement Follow-Up
There were some great suggestions regarding family engagement at our December staff meeting! We wanted to highlight some answers and action steps:
- Ms. Streit is spearheading our student showcase, which will correspond with our Parent-Teacher conference date on March 7. Expect more information soon!
- Several teachers are using student-led conferences as well. Ms. Redd recently incorporated technology in her fall conferences.
- We have sent out ConnectEds encouraging families to update their ParentPortal and sent letters to all of our ESL students to ensure we have correct information for them.
- Please remember to use Interpretalk when needed. Directions are in the main office and we’d be more than glad to walk through it with you.
- We have a Spanish translator working with our counselors and attendance on Tuesday afternoons. If you’d like to take advantage of this, please see Joe Weaver or the child’s student counselor.
- We’ve added a Spanish message on our phone system so they can leave a message for Ms. Salazar.
- If you need a generic statement translated or a message that you want to send to a Spanish speaking family, reach out to our Spanish Honor Society students. This is a great way for them to earn some service hours. If a more detailed or student specific translation is needed, we can help with that!
Important Information: Weighted Grades
See email from Rick dated 12/19.
Please join the county conversation from 4-5
- Wednesday, January 9, in the WAHS Media Center;
- Thursday, January 10, in the MoHS Forum; or
- Tuesday, January 15, in the AHS Media Center.
Important Information: Mustang Morning Reset
We will be doing a Mustang Morning reset when we return from Winter Break. It will require you to re-request students beginning the week of January 7 and you may want to create new sessions.
Creating New Sessions
- Create any sessions that you would like created. You now have the power to create and modify your sessions. You are not able to DELETE sessions yet, because we want to make sure we have the appropriate number of spots for students. You don’t need to do anything if you are keeping your sessions the same. If you’re uncomfortable with the technology or otherwise, Corey and I will be more than glad to help out
- If you want to change the date of a session, you may do so. PLEASE do NOT change study halls without my permission.
- If you are interested in creating a new “course,” please complete this form https://goo.gl/forms/NRKHDkK95ZqrOE0m2
- Students have asked for the following sessions: public speaking, more maker space and robotics, study groups for specific classes and quiet places to study.
How to Create New Sessions: You only need to do this for the week of January 7.
You can create a session if a course has already been created.
- In Adaptive Scheduler > My Schedule Choose the week of January 6.
- Complete 1-5 in the above and select Add Session. The Period must be Mustang Morning.
Editing Sessions
- In My Schedule, select Edit Session.
- Update the fields that need updating and Update.
Requesting Students
- Fill your new Mustang Morning sessions with students (group or individual requests). Rosters are not carrying over.
Important Notes:
- We are trying to do our best to track down students who are not attending Mustang Morning. This requires a team effort and 1A teachers ensuring students are given ample time to sign up AND accurate attendance during Mustang Morning. This means not allowing students to attend your Mustang Morning if they are not on your Mustang Morning roster.
- Please remember, students should not be traveling during Mustang Morning.
- Our Mustang Morning Committee met on Monday and we’re going to be working on some out-of-the box ideas with students for whom Mustang Morning is not working.
- Adding Notes to individual students
- Go to the “Students Schedules” tab
- By typing in a student’s name, you can add a note to that student. Click on the course
- Type your note. Click “Update” after typing your note.
All information can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pR76sh_49zasEAhMGKca_gW_TdjHy2jIR93qSTc-e5w/edit?usp=sharing
Important Information
Please make sure to use the date 1/20/19 for your exam grade regardless of when you give the assignment. Doing so will place it in the E2 category. Please see Corey with any questions
Important Date
January 2: Monticello-based PD. 9-12: Culturally Responsive Teaching Focus Groups, Afternoons: PLC-based work
Field Trips and SOLs
See Cindy’s email and Monticello calendar
January 9: Seniors/Government at UVA Law
January 18: ½ Day with Afternoon PD on Grading
January 21/22: No School for Students/Teacher Workday on 21st
January 23 @9: Grades are due
January 30/31: Help Save the Next Girl Symposium
February 15: Drama @NSU
December 31: Miriah Dudley
January 1: Jessica Eisenhauer
January 10: Burton Inman
January 12: Julia Easton
December 21: Virginia Johnson, custodian
December 27: Nikki Eubanks
December 27: Nikki Eubanks
December 28: Kristen Sabo
December 31: Miriah Dudley
January 1: Jessica Eisenhauer
Useful Information
Bell Schedules : http://bit.ly/MOHSbells
Morning Announcement Stream: http://streaming.k12albemarle.org/ACPS/links.htm
We’ve got something new! Want something included on the Monticello Outlook Calendar, the Monticello website, in the PowerSchool Daily Bulletin, or the student newsletter (viewed by parents, students and staff)? Please use this link https://goo.gl/forms/bIjfJLKokWPcEHx33
Worth Your Time
The most viral teaching moments of 2018 (some uplifting ones)