Monday, February 15, 2016


Excellence in Education: SMORES Criteria from Robyn Jackson
As dedicated educators, we’re invested in our classrooms and to our students. How do we get our students to be equally invested? The SMORES Criteria will help you focus students’ attention and energy. This is especially true for students who are resistant to making investments in your class.

Specific : Clarify what each investment requires with specific steps rather than vague requests.
Meaningful : The investment should help students use the currencies that they have to get something they want or meet a basic need.
Observable : The investment should be stated in terse of its observable behaviors.
Realistic : The investment should be at the top of the students’ reach.
Worth the Effort : The investment should lead to immediate and short-term payoffs.
Small : The investment should not be something students will perceive as overwhelming.

So instead of “You need to do this,” provide specific steps for students such as, “The first thing is get your notebook and today’s notes.”
Does it provide students with a way to use the currencies (skills, knowledge) they have to get what they want?
Does it provide students with a way to use their currencies to satisfy a need?
Set requirements for completion and quality, attempting to answer questions even when they are unsure if their answers are right, asking for help when they don’t understand, and going back over their work and fixing errors that have been identified.
The assignment has to be doable but it shouldn’t be too easy. Provide scaffolded supports to build resiliency and skills.
Worth the Effort
Students are more likely to do something if they see the reward (not a grade). Provide positive feedback.
“One way to motivate action is to make people feel closer to the finish line than they might have thought.” ~Chip and Dan Heath

Pineapple Learning Walks: Upcoming Classroom Visit Opportunities
You’re invited to attend Mr. Warren-Mr. Schafer-Ms. Deegan’s Collaboration Project in the forum on Wednesday and Thursday during 3rd period in the forum.
To add your class, please visit  For more info on our Pineapple Learning Walks, please see below.

Need to Knows
Positive Referral Link:

Technology / Website Permission Request Form

Spring Calendar (Grades, SOL, Exams, Etc): Obviously, this is subject to change with weather, but it’s a start.

Calendar Items
February 18: Faculty Meeting
February 23: Club Schedule

Shout Out
LoveFest Organizer Jen Meade, our SCA students and all our performers (plus accommodating teachers) made Friday possible! ‘Nuff said.

February 17: Sarah Orme

Worth Your Time
Stop Humiliating Teachers from The New Yorker

Inside ADHD, 4 Strategies This is written for elementary through middle schools but it definitely applies to high schools too

Calming the Teenage Mind in the Classroom from CNN