Excellence in Education: Infographics
We’ve all seen infographics on websites and they’re a great tool for both teaching and learning.
10 Possible Student Uses for Infographics:
- compare and contrast
- biographies
- cause-effect relationships
- presentation
- a twist on a resume
- statistical analysis: charts, graphs, etc.
- scientific, literary or historical annotations
- event summarization
- any research project
- have students search--and possibly modify--an infographic from some of the below sites
5 Free Infographic Creation Tools
Google Drawings : Available in Google Drive. A multitude of uses, simple but not as robust as the following.
Infogram : A little different than the rest, but great for creating interactive charts, graphics and interactive features. Upload information to graph and a customized chart is created. Requires log-in, meaning edtech approval for student usage.
Easel.ly : A wide selection of themes and templates. Pretty ease to use. Looks like it doesn’t require a login to use.
Piktochart : I hadn’t used this one before today. I found it to be easy to use with numerous pre-loaded templates and a wide selection of fonts, clipart and other artistic elements. The ability to create charts and graphs and include videos seems like a plus. Requires log-in and EdTech approval.
Canva : also a great app. Simple to use with drag and drop with a wide selection of templates, clipart and photos. Requires log-in.
Excellence in Education: Vocabulary Instruction
Need to Knows
Calendar Items
December 7, 8: We’re hosting the VHSL Theatre Competition (this shouldn’t disrupt anything)
December 9: Curriculum Expo
December 10: Band Concert
December 11: Mustang Morning Clubs
December 12: Gayle Millner and Steve VanEpp
Worth Your Time
SOL Innovation Committee Charts a New Path: This is a must-read as it charts a new path for high schools. More from VDOE here and a local story here.
5 Myths about How Teens Use Technology and an infographic!
Improving Instruction: 8 Areas that Matter the Most